YouTube Lead Generation

General Overview

Purposes of YouTube

  • Generating Leads
  • Want more outreach and traffic
  • Provide helpful info to the public
  • Generate more passive income for the company
  • You have a specialty or specific interest you enjoy talking about
  • You like making videos (entertainment)

Types of Videos

Video Series

  • Daily, weekly, monthly
  • Info updates (status of new stimulus part5)
  • Series covering specific topic

Long Videos/Webinars

  • Informative videos, showing/explaining processes step by step
  • If rich in information, maybe use as a lead generation on a landing page instead


  • Vertical formatted videos made for mobile devices
  • Video length less than 60 seconds
  • Higher chances for more traffic and subscribers


  • Summarizing content that has already been produced
    • Articles, news info, ebooks, etc.

Promotional Videos

  • Summarizing content that has already been produced
    • Articles, news info, ebooks, etc.

Planning, Process, and Salesforce Info


  • Collaborate with marketing on video topics and release times
  • Make video in wistia
  • Have marketing review
  • Marketing makes thumbnail, post video, adds YouTube Description/SEO


  • Once/If a lead is generated through YouTube efforts, whether they are directed to fill out a form, email or call us, make sure all info is correct in Salesforce.

    • Lead owner and advisory roles set to the proper advisor
    • Lead source is "YouTube"
    • Lead status is set accordingly to "open, soft, or DNC"
    • Description notes are there for Rich to have for context when doing follow-ups
    • Double-check to make sure all lead's general info is correct

rebel Financial is a Registered Investment Advisor that provides retirement planning, estate planning, financial planning, and investment management services to individual and institutional clients. To get a more detailed description of the company, its management, and practices, view our (form ADV, Part2A) and Disclosures.
Fiduciary & Fee-Only Financial Advisors and Planners

All websites created by rF marketing team

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